Soundtrack Saturday is meme hosted by The Hardcover Lover.
About: Basically Soundtrack Saturday is where you take a book and make a soundtrack for it!
The book I chose today is Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck.
Beginning Song: Changing Colors by Josh Groban
I chose this song because the song is about change and the beginning of this book is about change, plus it sounded perfect.
Character Song: Broken Crown by Mumford & Sons
I chose this song because it seemed to resemble Kelsey and her struggles, her temptations, and her battles.
Relationship Song: My Confession by Josh Groban
This song is beyond perfect for Kelsey's and Ren's relationship, of course this song more fits for Ren's view of their relationship than Kelsey's view.
Closing Song: Battle Scars by Lupe Fiasco & Guy Sebastian
One there are plenty of battles in this series and two these books are a whole lot about the troubles of love.
So, that is the Soundtrack Saturday's Meme! I want to give Erin over at The Hardcover Lover a huge thanks for creating this meme and sharing it with all us bloggers. Thank you for reading my post & stay tuned for more.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Soundtrack Saturday (#1)
The Friday 56 (#1)
The Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted by Fredas Voice.
About: Basically all you do is open to page 56 or 56% in a book and post a sentence or a few that you like, just don't spoil anything for anyone!
(this is slightly late everyone, sorry!)
This week I chose the book Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi

".. And I decide I should probably kill Kenji, too. Just for being an idiot..." -Juliet
This line is just really funny, but when you read the context around this line, it's not that funny lol.
Thanks for reading my blog post! Comment below so we can chat!
About: Basically all you do is open to page 56 or 56% in a book and post a sentence or a few that you like, just don't spoil anything for anyone!
(this is slightly late everyone, sorry!)
This week I chose the book Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi

".. And I decide I should probably kill Kenji, too. Just for being an idiot..." -Juliet
This line is just really funny, but when you read the context around this line, it's not that funny lol.
Thanks for reading my blog post! Comment below so we can chat!
Friday, August 29, 2014
Challenges & Updated September TBR
So over at the wonderful group on Goodreads, All About YA, I created a Fall Challenge. So of course I will be participating in that challenge. I've also decided to join The TBR Challenge (because well, I need to lower my TBR number) from the Goodreads group Teen Critic.
Onto my TBR! Since the Fall Challenge lasts from September to the end of November, I'm only going to complete a few of the requirements this month.
I'm going to read: (which completes requirements #'s 1,4,8,11)

Onto my TBR for the TBR Challenge (Since this lasts a year from the start date, I'm only going to read 2 books for this):
(which these complete requirements #'s 1 & 3)

As for the other books I'll be reading in September are:

Onto my TBR! Since the Fall Challenge lasts from September to the end of November, I'm only going to complete a few of the requirements this month.

Onto my TBR for the TBR Challenge (Since this lasts a year from the start date, I'm only going to read 2 books for this):
(which these complete requirements #'s 1 & 3)

As for the other books I'll be reading in September are:

Thursday, August 28, 2014
The Social Media Book Tag
Twitter: Your favorite Shortest Book
Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi
Facebook: A Book Everyone Pressured You Into Reading
Legend by Marie Lu
Tumblr: A Book You Read Before It Was Cool
If I Stay by Gayle Forman
Myspace: A Book You Don't Remember You Liked Or Not
Stray by Rachel Vincent
Instagram: A Cover That's So Beautiful You Had To Insta It
Gates Of Thread & Stone by Lori M. Lee
YouTube: A Book You Wish Was A Movie
Raised By Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Goodreads: A Book You Recommend To Everyone
I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak
Skype: A Book With Characters You Wish You Could Talk To, Not Just Read About
Raised By Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Pinterest: A Book Or Series You Pinned/Shared The Most Quotes From
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
I tag everyone and anyone reading this and who wants to do it! Remember, comment your links if you do this tag, I'd love to see your answers!
Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi
Facebook: A Book Everyone Pressured You Into Reading
Legend by Marie Lu
Tumblr: A Book You Read Before It Was Cool
If I Stay by Gayle Forman
Myspace: A Book You Don't Remember You Liked Or Not
Stray by Rachel Vincent
Instagram: A Cover That's So Beautiful You Had To Insta It
Gates Of Thread & Stone by Lori M. Lee
YouTube: A Book You Wish Was A Movie
Raised By Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Goodreads: A Book You Recommend To Everyone
I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak
Skype: A Book With Characters You Wish You Could Talk To, Not Just Read About
Raised By Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Pinterest: A Book Or Series You Pinned/Shared The Most Quotes From
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
I tag everyone and anyone reading this and who wants to do it! Remember, comment your links if you do this tag, I'd love to see your answers!
The Countdown Survery Tag
Erin over at The Hardcover Lover did this tag and basically tagged everyone who read her answers, so I'm going to do this!
10. Books Already Released On Your Wishlist
*Daughter Of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor
*Storm by Brigid Kemmerer
*Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins
*Bloodlines by Richelle Mead
*Skinwalker by Faith Hunter
*Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
*Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes
*Infinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon
*Reflected In You by Sylvia Day
*The Unbecoming Of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
9. Favorite Covers

8. Not Yet Released Books You Can't Wait For
*Tiger's Dream by Colleen Houck
*Bound By Flames by Jeaniene Frost
*The Young Elites by Marie Lu
*Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
*Invaded by Melissa Landers
*Blackbird by Anna Carey
*In The Afterlight by Alexandra Bracken
*An Ember In The Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
7. Auto-Buy Authors
*Colleen Houck
*Jeaniene Frost
*Jennifer Lynn Barnes
*Alexandra Bracken
*Karsten Knight
*Patricia Briggs
*Aimee Carter
6. Book Boyfriends
*Kishan (The Tiger's Saga)
*Ren (Nightshade)
*Four/Tobias (Divergent)
*Peeta (THG)
*Vlad (Night Prince)
*Bones (Night Huntress)
5. Books You Recommend The Most
*The Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth
*Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
*I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak
*The Tiger's Saga by Colleen Houck
*The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken
4. Books You Thought You'd Like, But Didn't
*The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare
*If I Stay by Gayle Forman
*Matched by Ally Condie
*Ashes, Ashes by Jo Treggiari
3. Books That Made You Cry
*Allegiant by Veronica Roth
*The Vanishing Season by Jodi Lynn Anderson
*Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer
2. Books You Plan On Never Reading
*Where She Went by Gayle Forman
*Crossed by Ally Condie
1. Favorite Genre At The Moment
So, I tag everyone who is reading this and would like to do this! Just please link your blog post of this tag when you've completed it here in the comments below, I'd really love to see all your answers!
10. Books Already Released On Your Wishlist
*Daughter Of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor
*Storm by Brigid Kemmerer
*Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins
*Bloodlines by Richelle Mead
*Skinwalker by Faith Hunter
*Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
*Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes
*Infinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon
*Reflected In You by Sylvia Day
*The Unbecoming Of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
9. Favorite Covers

8. Not Yet Released Books You Can't Wait For
*Tiger's Dream by Colleen Houck
*Bound By Flames by Jeaniene Frost
*The Young Elites by Marie Lu
*Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
*Invaded by Melissa Landers
*Blackbird by Anna Carey
*In The Afterlight by Alexandra Bracken
*An Ember In The Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
7. Auto-Buy Authors
*Colleen Houck
*Jeaniene Frost
*Jennifer Lynn Barnes
*Alexandra Bracken
*Karsten Knight
*Patricia Briggs
*Aimee Carter
6. Book Boyfriends
*Kishan (The Tiger's Saga)
*Ren (Nightshade)
*Four/Tobias (Divergent)
*Peeta (THG)
*Vlad (Night Prince)
*Bones (Night Huntress)
5. Books You Recommend The Most
*The Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth
*Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
*I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak
*The Tiger's Saga by Colleen Houck
*The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken
4. Books You Thought You'd Like, But Didn't
*The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare
*If I Stay by Gayle Forman
*Matched by Ally Condie
*Ashes, Ashes by Jo Treggiari
3. Books That Made You Cry
*Allegiant by Veronica Roth
*The Vanishing Season by Jodi Lynn Anderson
*Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer
2. Books You Plan On Never Reading
*Where She Went by Gayle Forman
*Crossed by Ally Condie
1. Favorite Genre At The Moment
So, I tag everyone who is reading this and would like to do this! Just please link your blog post of this tag when you've completed it here in the comments below, I'd really love to see all your answers!
Questions From Liebster Award Nominations!
I've been nominated quite a bit, and although I've already completed and won the Liebster Award, I thought I could just at least answer all the questions to the Liebster Award Nominations I've received.
I was nominated by My Reading Dress, here are her questions and my answers to them!
1. Do you fall for the "pretty cover", and if so, which has been your favourite?
Yes, I am a major cover buyer! My favorite cover buy has been Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck.
2. What is a hyped book that you've read, but just not agreed on?
City Of Bones by Cassandra Clare, I really hated that series.
3. Do you have a fictional love interest "type"?
I don't think I do...
4. Do you have a guilty pleasure read? If so, then care to share?
Umm well the Crossfire series by Sylvia Day is my guilty pleasure read.
5. Are you a one track mind reader or do you like to balance a large amount of books on your "currently reading"?
I read multiple books at a time. Usually 1 audiobook, 1 ebook, and 1 physical copy book.
6. Who is your favourite authors(s)?
Jeaniene Frost, Patricia Briggs, Colleen Houck, Jennifer Lynn Barnes, and Karsten Knight
7. What is your favourite genre under the YA delineation?
8. What are some of your most hated YA tropes, and most loved? (think insta!love, love triangle, TSTL protagonists)
Clary and Jace-most hated, Kishan-Kelsey-Ren-most loved
9. Do you have a favourite book(s) read, so far, this year?
The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken, Reboot by Amy Tintera, and Up From The Grave by Jeaniene Frost
10. Why did you decide to join the blogging community and what do you love most about it?
I just like talking about books! I love the interaction between one blogger and another, how welcoming everyone seems!
11. Do you have any quirky reading habits?
I tend to read the last pages in a book I'm reading while I am reading the first few chapters of the book.
I was nominated by Sabrina's Stories, here are her questions and my answers to them!
1. How did you get into book blogging?
I was reading a lot of well established blogs and wanted one of my own
2. What is your favourite kind of book (not limited to genre) to read?
I adore books with hot paranormal boys and not whiny female protagonists.
3. What book do you recommend to absolutely everyone?
I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak
4. Do you prefer characters with whom you can relate, or ones that are completely different to you?
Ones I can relate to
5. What is your favourite classic (if any)?
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
6. How many books do you usually read at a time?
3, 1 for each format (audiobook, ebook, physical copy)
7. What is something interesting about yourself?
I collect Barbie's from, I do not play with Barbie's, My dolls do not get removed from their packaging.
8. If you could meet any author or any book character, who would you pick and why?
Well between authors, I'd love to meet Jeaniene Frost and Colleen Houck because they are amazing and I adore their books. Between book characters, Vlad Tepesh (Night Prince) and Kishan (Tiger's Saga) Ren (Nightshade) because they are hot and they are my book boyfriends.
9. What fictional setting would you choose to live in if you could?
Night Huntress series setting. I'd love to live in a world where hot HOT sexy delicious gorgeous vampires were real and I'd have a chance to make one of them my hot vampire hehehe.
10. How long do you wait to write a review? Do you write it straight after you've finished the book, or do you leave it for a week or more?
I write a review immeadietely after reading the book.
11. What's your favourite thing about book blogging?
Being Welcomed graciously into the Book Blogging community!
I was nominated by I, Fat Robot here are their questions and my answers to them!
1. Do you read e-books?
Yes, I have nothing against ebooks. Though I do not want to see ebook replacing physical copy.
2. Do you read in other languages than your first language?
I have taken a few French classes and hope to one day be able to read a full novel in French.
3. What’s worse in a book: Spelling mistakes or too-often repeated words?
Too-often repeated words. Cause repeated words slow my reading speed.
4. What’s your least favourite genre?
5. Was it one book in particular that turned you into a bookworm? If so, which one?
It was either Airborn by Kenneth Oppel or Magyk by Angie Sage that started me on my track of consistent reading.
6. Do you on average read an even mix of male and female authors?
I read mostly female authors, but over the years I've been trying to branch out. (ex. Karsten Knight, Kenneth Oppel, Markus Zusak, and Andrew Fukuda)
7. Do you enjoy short story collections as much as regular novels?
Depending on how well they are written, but yes I do.
8. Have you ever visited a book con or a book signing?
Nope, but one day I want to go to BEA because amazing arcs are always given out there.
9. Can you read in a car or on a bus without getting woozy?
I can read a bit, but after a while I get major motion sickness.
10. What’s your favourite non-romantic friendship in fiction? (Can include movies and other types of fiction)
Chubs and Ruby from The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken
11. If you really hated brussels sprouts, would you still eat a full serving of it every day if not doing so would make your books disappear?
Of Course! I would do anything to keep books!
Thanks so much to everyone who nominated me and everyone who reads my blog posts!
I was nominated by My Reading Dress, here are her questions and my answers to them!
1. Do you fall for the "pretty cover", and if so, which has been your favourite?
Yes, I am a major cover buyer! My favorite cover buy has been Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck.
2. What is a hyped book that you've read, but just not agreed on?
City Of Bones by Cassandra Clare, I really hated that series.
3. Do you have a fictional love interest "type"?
I don't think I do...
4. Do you have a guilty pleasure read? If so, then care to share?
Umm well the Crossfire series by Sylvia Day is my guilty pleasure read.
5. Are you a one track mind reader or do you like to balance a large amount of books on your "currently reading"?
I read multiple books at a time. Usually 1 audiobook, 1 ebook, and 1 physical copy book.
6. Who is your favourite authors(s)?
Jeaniene Frost, Patricia Briggs, Colleen Houck, Jennifer Lynn Barnes, and Karsten Knight
7. What is your favourite genre under the YA delineation?
8. What are some of your most hated YA tropes, and most loved? (think insta!love, love triangle, TSTL protagonists)
Clary and Jace-most hated, Kishan-Kelsey-Ren-most loved
9. Do you have a favourite book(s) read, so far, this year?
The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken, Reboot by Amy Tintera, and Up From The Grave by Jeaniene Frost
10. Why did you decide to join the blogging community and what do you love most about it?
I just like talking about books! I love the interaction between one blogger and another, how welcoming everyone seems!
11. Do you have any quirky reading habits?
I tend to read the last pages in a book I'm reading while I am reading the first few chapters of the book.
I was nominated by Sabrina's Stories, here are her questions and my answers to them!
1. How did you get into book blogging?
I was reading a lot of well established blogs and wanted one of my own
2. What is your favourite kind of book (not limited to genre) to read?
I adore books with hot paranormal boys and not whiny female protagonists.
3. What book do you recommend to absolutely everyone?
I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak
4. Do you prefer characters with whom you can relate, or ones that are completely different to you?
Ones I can relate to
5. What is your favourite classic (if any)?
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
6. How many books do you usually read at a time?
3, 1 for each format (audiobook, ebook, physical copy)
7. What is something interesting about yourself?
I collect Barbie's from, I do not play with Barbie's, My dolls do not get removed from their packaging.
8. If you could meet any author or any book character, who would you pick and why?
Well between authors, I'd love to meet Jeaniene Frost and Colleen Houck because they are amazing and I adore their books. Between book characters, Vlad Tepesh (Night Prince) and Kishan (Tiger's Saga) Ren (Nightshade) because they are hot and they are my book boyfriends.
9. What fictional setting would you choose to live in if you could?
Night Huntress series setting. I'd love to live in a world where hot HOT sexy delicious gorgeous vampires were real and I'd have a chance to make one of them my hot vampire hehehe.
10. How long do you wait to write a review? Do you write it straight after you've finished the book, or do you leave it for a week or more?
I write a review immeadietely after reading the book.
11. What's your favourite thing about book blogging?
Being Welcomed graciously into the Book Blogging community!
I was nominated by I, Fat Robot here are their questions and my answers to them!
1. Do you read e-books?
Yes, I have nothing against ebooks. Though I do not want to see ebook replacing physical copy.
2. Do you read in other languages than your first language?
I have taken a few French classes and hope to one day be able to read a full novel in French.
3. What’s worse in a book: Spelling mistakes or too-often repeated words?
Too-often repeated words. Cause repeated words slow my reading speed.
4. What’s your least favourite genre?
5. Was it one book in particular that turned you into a bookworm? If so, which one?
It was either Airborn by Kenneth Oppel or Magyk by Angie Sage that started me on my track of consistent reading.
6. Do you on average read an even mix of male and female authors?
I read mostly female authors, but over the years I've been trying to branch out. (ex. Karsten Knight, Kenneth Oppel, Markus Zusak, and Andrew Fukuda)
7. Do you enjoy short story collections as much as regular novels?
Depending on how well they are written, but yes I do.
8. Have you ever visited a book con or a book signing?
Nope, but one day I want to go to BEA because amazing arcs are always given out there.
9. Can you read in a car or on a bus without getting woozy?
I can read a bit, but after a while I get major motion sickness.
10. What’s your favourite non-romantic friendship in fiction? (Can include movies and other types of fiction)
Chubs and Ruby from The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken
11. If you really hated brussels sprouts, would you still eat a full serving of it every day if not doing so would make your books disappear?
Of Course! I would do anything to keep books!
Thanks so much to everyone who nominated me and everyone who reads my blog posts!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
News, Upcoming, & Other Info!
Some of you may know that on Monday, August 25th at 6:00 AM EST, I went through surgery on my ears. Although painful, the surgery went fairly well and I'm recovering now. I have stitches in my right ear and I can't feel my right ear at all. My right ear feels as though I have a million ton rocks hanging from the ear, the ocean is swimming, and someone is taking a knife and stabbing me repeatedly. My left ear is perfectly fine and feels normal.
Okay, so onto other more happier things!
I completed 3 books for Bout Of Books 11.0, not bad but probably could've been better.
R&R News:
I have received 3 books to Read & Review since around my surgery date, so I have 3 reviews that will be posted soon.
Wrap-up News:
I also will be posting my August/Summer Wrap-up and September TBR some time at the end of this week.
BookTube News:
I am thinking about filming a Book Shelf tour either by the end of this week or the end of December, which do you think I should do?
In conclusion, I hope to be more active by the end of this week, but I'm not sure how I'll be feeling by then, hopefully I'll feel much better.
Okay, so onto other more happier things!
I completed 3 books for Bout Of Books 11.0, not bad but probably could've been better.
R&R News:
I have received 3 books to Read & Review since around my surgery date, so I have 3 reviews that will be posted soon.
Wrap-up News:
I also will be posting my August/Summer Wrap-up and September TBR some time at the end of this week.
BookTube News:
I am thinking about filming a Book Shelf tour either by the end of this week or the end of December, which do you think I should do?
In conclusion, I hope to be more active by the end of this week, but I'm not sure how I'll be feeling by then, hopefully I'll feel much better.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Another Book Haul!
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Not A Drop To Drink |
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Furious |
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Arclight |
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Team Human |
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Valkyrie Rising |
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Antigoddess |
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Starling |
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Dualed |
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Enclave |
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Outpost |
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Velveteen |
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Horde |
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Parallel |
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The Paladin Prophecy |
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Sweet Shadows |
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The Brokenhearted |
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Arcadia Burns |
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Sweet Legacy |
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Rush |
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Altered |
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Eve & Adam |
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Neptune's Tears |
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The Bone Season |
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Written In Red |
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Stormdancer and Kinslayer |
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Rain Of Ghosts |
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Blood Oranges |
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