Thursday, August 13, 2015

August TBR!

I know that I don't normally do TBR's on this blog, but I thought that I could start especially since I know for sure what I am going to be reading this month.

Books I plan to finish (started a while ago):

Books that I will start this month:

I will be posting another TBR with my Bout Of Books TBR on it.

So what are you reading this month?


  1. I need to read Unravel Me and Assassin's Blade myself, so many books so little time! But your August TBR sounds great, happy reading!

    HannahCassie @

  2. I really hope you enjoy The Assassin's Blade, the Throne of Glass series is one of my favourites :), I haven't started the Shatter Me series but I've heard such great things about it!
    I loved the Legend series by Marie Lu, for me it got better and better so I hope you continue to like the series!
    Great post!
    Your new GFC Follower,
    Cody @ Literary-ly Obsessed

    1. Thanks so much for following my Cody!!

      I hope that the Legend series does get better for me, because the first book gave me no interest to continue the series. But, I received a copy of the Graphic Novel of Legend and thought to give book 2 a shot.

      I thought Shatter Me was okay.. it's definitely not even close to being my favorite but it does have its moments.

      The Throne of Glass series is definitely one of my all time favorite series ever! Sarah J Maas is just an auto buy author for me now.

  3. I am usually someone who doesn't make a TBR because I will have a general list of books to read, but I will also throw in some random ones along the way as well. I like this collection and hope you are having fun with it this month!
