Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Waiting On Wednesday #71!

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly meme created by Breaking The Spine

Black Moon
Romina Russell
December 6th 2017
Young Adult Fantasy/Science Fiction
Goodreads Link

*No synopsis due to spoilers

What is your waiting on Wednesday pick for this week?

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Summer Wrap Up & My September TBR!

During most of Summer I was in a very annoying reading slump. So basically I didn't read even close to the amount of books I would've liked to.

Here's what I did read:

I am currently reading:

Here's what I plan to read in September:

Thanks so much for stopping by! What are all of you reading?

Monday, August 29, 2016

A Little Monday Mumbles & Upcoming Adventures!

Hey everyone! I know that I've been MIA for quite a bit on this blog but hopefully I will keep up with the schedule I've made for myself regarding this blog.

I know I've talked on and off about going on a "Book Buying Ban" earlier this year and I've pretty much stuck to it. Outside of already pre-ordered books and a few #booksfortrade swaps on Twitter, I haven't been buying any new already released books. I'm pretty proud of myself actually!

So what's going to happen on my blog?

  • Tomorrow my Summer Wrap-Up & September TBR will be posted

  • Wednesday will still be my Waiting on Wednesday post

  • My most anticipated September releases will be posted on Thursday as well as my Book Haul

  • Friday will be my Flashback Friday & Friday Reads posts (Flashback Friday will be old reviews that I've made that I never posted here)

I'll be keeping Monday's open for Reviews, Tags, Blog Tours/Blitzes, and stuff like this. 

Tuesday's will probably go back to Top 10 Tuesday posts next week.

Thursdays will be my Book Haul days :D

Thank you so much for sticking around guys! I will definitely do my best to be a better member of this awesome community!