Friday, February 27, 2015

The Line Blog Tour: Review & Giveaway!


Book: The Line
Author: William L.J. Galaini
Genre: Science Fiction
Release Date: November 22nd 2012
Page count: 290 pages
Buy Links:

The Blurb

Suspended in the nothing between timelines, the station Janus is an unseen marvel: the greatest technological achievement in human innovation. From Janus, Gustavo and his hand-selected team of historians and engineers venture into the past and observe history, unseen and unnoticed.

But they are not alone.

Another traveler is shattering history. Unhindered by desires to remain scientific and uninvolved, the intruder’s technology is far advanced with methods more brutal and a present more terrifying than anything Gustavo and his team are prepared for. As they apply their intellects and skills towards solving the mystery of the ferocious interloper, they discover than they have its full attention.


William Galaini grew up in Pennsylvania and Florida. His mother gave him an early love of reading, especially when it came to the great classics of science fiction. He is also a history buff and fascinated by mythology and folklore. His various vocational pursuits include being a singer in a professional high school choir, manager of the call center at a luxury resort, U.S. Army medic, prison guard, and middle school English teacher. As such, he is perfectly suited to breech a solid metal door, humanely restrain the enemy within, and politely correct their grammar all while humming Handel’s Messiah and drinking a lovely cuppa tea.

He currently hangs his hat, rucksack, and tweed smoking jacket in Northern Virginia.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

My Review:

My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

         This book was a brilliant sci-fi novel that reawakened my love for science fiction. This world is so cool and mind blowing. I also really loved the way this novel was written, it made me stay wide awake at night biting my nails through this story.

I liked the characters enough. Gustavo is definitely one of my favorite main characters ever. He was written brilliantly! 

 The action was intense. I mean nail-bitingly intense. & the cool technology that Galaini created in this novel will blow your mind and suck you in. 

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