Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Release Day!

As many of you know, many books were released today!

Here are the releases that I'll be buying eventually (not right away since my last haul was so massive).

Were you anticipating any of these also? What releases of today are you looking forward to? As always, thanks for visiting my blog and reading my post(s)! Please comment below so we can chat.


  1. I've already bought Heir of Fire and am just waiting for it to arrive! I haven't read Crown of Midnight yet because I've been waiting for this release. I'm not so sure that I want to read The Jewel, even though I am drawn to the cover, mostly because I've heard it compared to a lot of books. Nice post! :)

  2. Purdy & Angelini indeed. I am hoping to read at least one of them in October. You and I wont be seeing Heir of fire until December if we are buddy reading one book a month right?

  3. I just received Heir of Fire and I'm super excited to read it. The Jewel also looks really interesting, so I might buy that one eventually :)

    x Karin, schakarin

  4. Hey, Robin! I'm so excited for The Winter People and The Jewel, but I probably won't be reading either for a while because I'm just so busy.

    Anyways... I've nominated you to do the Ten Book Challenge! Click here for more information. I hope you'll be able to find time to do it. I had a blast thinking about the books I wanted to include.

  5. I have seen quite a few reviews have been previously flying around for these books, so now they have been released I can finally get my hands on them! Can't wait to read it :D

    Check out my post and giveaway: http://olivia-savannah.blogspot.nl/2014/09/top-10-things-to-do-when-back-from.html

  6. I can't wait to read these books :)

    I'm Izzy by the way. New follower! Yay! I found your blog on goodreads.
    Mine is The Reading Izzy, I hope you can check it out and follow back :)

    1. Thanks so much for the follow and comment! I followed your blog as well.

      I can't wait to read these books also, such pretty covers!
